spit it out
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
i don't give people enough credit i don't think. for every person that breaks your heart, it's easy to look at everything with a sour attitude, and think that there will always be a war to fight. that's why i try to remain optimistic, or (at the very least) understanding since few people have the ability to endure such overencompassing frustration and sadness for long periods of time. it's a curse, but it's also a gift in itself - hopefully it'll never get to the point where it's overbearing.

single incidents piled on top of each other are substantially worse than a larger, solitary event in the long run, because at least you can understand what you're mad at, instead of being torn in several directions at once, not knowing where to run or who to turn to. particularly when there is no one.

passed my last few tests easily, i think i'm ready to move on and start my life now. where to go is easy, it's how to go thats the tricky part. wish i'd done this sooner. i wish i'd done what was needed years ago, instead of wasting away, trying to impress people i will never see in a year's time potentially.
but that's what life is. you should always live in understanding and tolerance of your past mistakes, not in spite of them. wish i could find someone like that. though i'll always have my love, not tangible. but still. there.
posted by imscared at 8:52 AM | Permalink | 0 comments