without pain, life is not worth living
Saturday, February 28, 2009
one more month here. cannot wait to leave.
well, month and a week, but that's all technicalities.
posted by imscared at 4:32 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
giving in
Thursday, February 19, 2009
"For all the joy Thy child shall bring, The risk of grief we'll run.

To all Parents"

You're born, raised and then torn down,
to look a little more like, everyone you meet,
And everyday that goes by,
you look a little less like who you used to be.

I don't mind the people staring,
'cause I know they never see me anyway,
In these days, all the worlds the stage,
and everyone one just wants to be the star.

"we'll love him while we may"

This is all too heavy,
If you believe in your self,
But no one can hurt you with out your consent,
And I am not giving in.
I'm not giving in
and I'm not giving in

I don't mind the people staring,
'cause I know they never see me anyway,
And everyday that goes by,
you look a little less like who you used to be.

I don't mind the people staring,
'cause I know they never see me anyway,
In these days, all the worlds the stage,
and everyone one just wants to be the star.

This is all too heavy,
If you believe in your self,
But no one can hurt you with out your consent,
And I am not giving in.

This is all too heavy,
If you believe in your self,
But no one can hurt you with out your consent,
And I am not giving in.
I'm not giving in
and I'm not giving in

"I'll lend you for a little time a child of mine
For you to love - while he lives

And mourn for when he's dead.
And from the throngs that crowd
Life's lanes, I have selected you.

Now will you give her all your love,
Nor think the labor vain,
Nor hate Me when I come to call to
Take him back again?"

( saltillo - giving in )
posted by imscared at 12:14 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
letting go
Sunday, February 1, 2009
No childlike innocence
I turned away
When the world I loved became the enemy
They talk about you
They shout out loud
When they get bored of talking about themselves
When I've lost the lust for life
I know I'll find a way
I'll find it where
I left it all that time ago
And if you feel like letting go
I know you'll find a way
You'll find it where
You left it all that time ago
The pressure of your eyes
Has turned me cold
I fear myself
The paranoia, will drive us mad
The paranoia, will drive us mad
The paranoia, will drive us mad
They talk and then they laugh but you assure yourself
That they meant well, they meant well
They talk about you
They shout out loud
When they get bored talking about themselves
Letting go
I know I'll find a way
I'll find it where
I left it all that time ago
The paranoia, will drive us mad
The paranoia, will drive us mad
I'll find a way, I'll find a way
I'll find a way, I'll find it where I left it all that time ago

( glis feat. jennifer parkin - letting go )
posted by imscared at 9:20 PM | Permalink | 0 comments